Sunday, October 16, 2005

"Simon Patterson
[Turner Prize] Shortlisted: 1996
Patterson is fascinated by the information which orders our lives. He humorously dislocates and subverts sources of information such as maps, diagrams and constellation charts; one of his best known works is The Great Bear, in which he replaced the names of stations on the London Underground map with names of philosophers, film stars, explorers, saints and other celebrities. By transforming authoritative data with his own associations he challenges existing rationales."

dot-to-dot spider web


The World's first crossword

By Arthur Wynne, December 1913, from the New York World.

"The first crosswords appeared in England during the 19th century. They were of an elementary kind, apparently derived from the word square, a group of words arranged so the letters read alike vertically and horizontally, and printed in children's puzzle books and various periodicals."

Webs Pt 3


Webs Pt 2

Jeremy Deller

Webs pt 1:

Some old relevance

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

never deny the doodles
for they are your inner voice speaking

posted by green genes at 1:42 AM 0 comments

PuZZles in History

ID pt 2- Lines and Creases

dot-to-dot in the sky